Thursday, 6 March 2014


‘Hey did you see Tomorrow’s World last night?’ Steve asked Johnny excitedly.
‘Nah I missed it, my mum was watching Crossroads.’ Johnny’s mum was hooked on soap operas, meaning Johnny could never watch the shows the other kids talked about in school. The two boys were walking to school so slowly they could have been going backwards, today was double maths, double Geography, the day from hell.
‘Man, it was coolaorama, they were talking about the phones that we’ll have in the future. Apparently there will be phones we can carry in our pockets and use anywhere? It was wicked.’
‘Like what’s the point of that? Why would I want a phone in my pocket?’ Johnny asked.
‘Well, um, you could phone your mum to tell her you’ll be late.’
‘I can do that now you dipstick, I just need 5p in my pocket and anyway in the future like, I won’t be phoning my mum will I?’ Johnny said, still not very impressed.
‘Okay so your kids could phone you to tell you they are late.’
‘Nah it sounds lame to me.  I don’t see the point, it’ll never catch on.’ Johnny said.
‘Mate don’t be a dumb ass, this is the future. It will be cool. A phone on your pocket!’ 
‘I still don’t see the point.’
‘Okay so if you don’t like that they were also saying that there is going to be a computer thing in America that will store all the information we need  and right we will all have computers at home that we can search for anything. That’s bad!’
‘That sounds boring.’ said Johnny in a bad mood cos he hand’t seen the programme.
‘Boring? No Way! It sounds brill.’
‘It sounds like a massive book and books are like boring.’
Steve thought about this for a second and had to agree with his mate, it did sound a little boring, but it had looked really exciting on the TV.
‘At least we will be able to get information quickly and not have to read all them books.’ he said.
 Johnny shrugged. ‘True, but I doubt it will happen, that programme is full of shit.’ He looked at his watch. ‘Hey we’d better get a move on or we’ll be in deep shit.’ 

With that the boys upped their pace and forgot all about the future for the time being. 

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